Latex fashionshoot op het strand
Het is weer moi weer, ook wel zomer genoemd en dat vraagt natuurlij om buiten photoshoots. Door de Corona is dit echter wat lastiger, maar toch is het gelukt om een fashion photoshoot te doen op het strand. En wat is nu toepasselijker dan latex beachwear?? Voor de verandering ook in plaats van met flitsers met alleen natuurlijk licht gewerkt. Vooral met de Fujifilm GFX camera en de GF110mm f.2 wat echt een te gekke combinatie is voor full body fashion portretfoto’s in de studio maar ook op het strand! Gelijk met de X-T4 een behind the scènes video gemaakt
Photoshoot met danseres Jelina de Raad
Hier is hij dan, de behind the scenes met danseres Jelina de Raad
Latex Fashion photoshoot: Odd Territory
Two weeks a go I did a Latex fashion photoshoot with Odd Territory Latex fashion. It was a nice project to do and something else then my regular more painterly work. For the photoshoot we wanted a more modern style with a vintage feel.
A thing I really like about the latex fashion that Odd Territory designs is that she wants to take latex clothing out of the kinky underground and more to mainstream and party wear or something to wear in normal life. With popstars like Katy Perry, Britney and Gaga is is finding it's way to the surface. This is the reason we kept everything light and fresh.
I also wanted something to break the seamless white background on the duo shots so added a small roll of bleu seamless.
It was a lot of work creating the shots and in photoshop, because latex is a challenge to shoot with all the shiny parts and lubricant. But it was lots of fun and can't wait for the next shoot!
Models: Marjolein van der Heide and Megan Versteeg
Mua: ChiChi van de Vlught
Latex fashion: Odd Territory (click for more or to order)
Editorial photoshoot with a chef cook and (review of) a Phase One P30+
Last friday I did an editorial style portrait shoot with chef cook Marcel Bark of de Rijd in Nieuwe Niedorp. For this photoshoot I borrowed a Phase One DF body with a P30+ digital back and a 80mm lens. For a while I am searching for an affordable way to get into medium format photohraphy. I have tested a P30+ back in the past (Read review here), the CVF-50c (click here) and the Hasselblad H5D-40 (Click here).
The set-up
Beside the Phase One set I am also trying out some Broncolor gear. I love my Elinchrom gear and especially there softboxes, but the bron are just a little more stable on output and white balance throughout the whole powerrange and have a faster flash duration for when you are working with speed/dance. So I had a Siros 400L with the 75 octabox as a key light, the Siros 400S with a strip and a grid as a kicker and a Siros 400 S with the 150 octa box as a fill.
The Phase One P30+ was connected with a firewire cable to my iMac runing Capture One Pro 9. All editting of teh photo's have also only be done in Capture Pro One 9. I love using tethering during shoot. It helps communication with the client and is a real visual way to get to the result you want.
For the styling we went to the local supermarket and bought some nice food to shoot. Marcel loves working with Fish so a fresh fish and some clamps couldn't be left out of the photo's! Marcel is also really font on green cabbage, so we also photographed him with just the green cabbage!
The Shots
Here a a couple of the final shots of teh editorial photoshoot.

The Phase One P30+ Back
The Phase One P30+ is a great digital medium format back. The colors are so natural and lovely. It has (only) 31 megapixels. which was huge in the time it was released and is still more than enough. Normally I shoot around 24mp with my Nikon D610 en D750 and rarely use the 36 of the D800, only when I need to print big.
The point for me for Medium Format is not the megapixel count but the sensor size and look. I don't know what it is but Medium Format photography has a look which is just so much more lovely then 35mm Full Frame photography. I has the look of the photographers I admire like Mark selliger, Martin Schoeller, Erwin Olaf and Anne Liebovitz. They also use Phase One camera's/backs,
The set up of the back is simple. The menu has just a few options, like ISO, white balance, power performance, and some basic information. just all you need.

The body and lens
The thing I disliked was the body. and especially the autofocus of the body. Getting critical focus with a wide open aperture was hard because of the singel AF point. You had to focus and recompose without chancing the angle. So you had to move up and down or side ways without moving back and fort of chancing your angle. This was hard! And took a while to get used of. But this is also the point for me to not buy the camera. Because of this I can also buy a back for my Hasselblad 500c/m and focus manually.
Saving up to do
So I decided I have to do some more saving up so I can buy a newer model and also take a look again at the Hasselblad H5D-40 or the X1D!
BTW I got the new Sigma 85mm 1.4 ART lens, I am going to test it soon with a few shoots!
Behind the Scenes: Harry's Horse Photoshoot
Sorry voor de lange stilte, heb het gewoon erg druk laatste weken. Maar vandaag eindelijke weer even een dagje rustig aan in de studio!
Even kleine update waar ik mee bezig ben geweest. De afgelopen weken ben ik met Michel Maat van Cafe Obscura een aantal video tutorials aan het maken geweest. Hiervan komt de eerste eind deze week uit! Daarnaast voorbereidingen voor het Fotografie in Beeld evenement aankomende zaterdag in de Loods in Krommenie. Ook ben k bezig met wat nu nog geheime dingen voor Sigma. Ik ben nog een digitale back voor mijn Hasselblad 500c/m aan het testen geweest. Prive ben ik verhuist van Hillegom naar Beinsdorp en ook ben ik met projecten bezig voor Sanoma. Voorbereiding van nieuwe workshops. Vandaag gaan we ook nog een Seamless Vinyl rol ophangen in de studio. Druk, druk druk dus!
Maar deze week maandag heb ik weer tijd en ik wil graag met jullie de Behind the scenes video delen die ik gemaakt heb van de photoshoot die ik voor de nieuwe komende collectie van Harry's Horse geschoten heb.
Behind the Scenes: Kees Visser Portrait
Hi All,
I made a small time-lapse during the shoot with Kees Visser. It has been made with the SONY HDR AS30V Action Cam on interval modus. The timelapse had been made with Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro.
Want to have more informative on the hotshoot? read it
Photography is not about the amount of pictures you shoot
Currently I am planning my wedding, and am looking for a wedding photographer. While I am checking sites I see something in common I also noticed people asking me when the ask for the price off a photoshoot. The question is "How many pictures do I get?". And on the sites for X amount you get at least x amount of pictures. But what is more important? The amount off the pictures or the quality???? If I do a portrait shoot I can off course shoot 50 to 100 pictures. With current camera's I can even make 5 to 14 photos per second! So how many do you want to have?
Personally I think the quality is way more important. I rather take take a hour and deliver maybe 5 to 10 great pictures, in stead of 50 or 60 of which maybe 5 are great. Sometimes when I do a commercial photoshoot we take half a day to just take the one picture!
Also when I work with dancer, you can sometimes have to take 20 to 50 pictures to just get the one. Because when a foot or limb is just a few degrees off, the picture is bad. I rather taker more time to get it right then deliver a picture with a wrong position, because everybody who knows about ballet won't so "Oh, what great a photo", NO! they will say" Well it is nice, but the foot is off!". So it can take 15 minutes to get the one, so with a one hour shoot you maybe and up with only 5 great different pictures.
Also I like to take the time to fine-tune the lighting. This cuts down time in post production. Normally I have to jus a few finishing touches in Lightroom/photoshop the end up with a great picture. In stead of having to stress to fix shadows, or having to get your quotum and also take lesser pictures and polish them up. Remember a bad picture will never get good, but a good taken picture is easy to get wow! And you are a good as your worst picture.
Shooting The Preacher Men
A couple of weeks a go I got the question from Efraim Trujillo if I could should o location. I told him I just bough a new Elinchrom Quadra RX set and can do photoshoots everywhere. So I got the question if I would like to make some promotional photo's for his new Jazz project "The Preacher Men". We could only plan the shoot a hour before there first gig so I had to work fast. Armed with my Fuji X-pro1 with the 35 1.4 and X-E1 with the 18-55 2.8-4 and the Elinchrom quadra with the Westcott 60" umbrella I went to the gig.
I started with a few portraits of the individual band member. I found this red chair and used the umbrella half closed to create a poor mens soft box, a trick I learned from Zack Arias.
After the ones on the chair I found a couple of doors I thought that look cool and would gave them some extra choices in different kind of looks. So the final groupshot I did in front of those doors
In post I just did some extra sharpening and darkened the background with the chair shots to get of the background noise.